TLBS Obesity Clinic

With obesity surgery and non-surgical treatment options, we are here to help you get rid of obesity and other ailments caused by obesity. Together with an experienced and expert team, you can achieve a healthy weight and a healthy life.

Get to Know Us

Obesity Treatment

Learn more about the treatment methods we apply.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Sleeve Gastric Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy) is a surgical procedure in which approximately 80% of the stomach is removed and its volume is reduced. It is the most commonly used method among weight loss surgery procedures

Gastric By-Pass Surgery

The longest-running method in bariatric surgery is gastric bypass, known as the gold standard. It is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the volume of the stomach as well as reducing absorption.

Endoscopic Gastric Balloon

Gastric balloons are the most common use of non-surgical obesity treatments. The balloon, which is placed in the stomach by endoscopy, takes up space in the stomach, reducing the volume of the stomach. It helps to lose weight by providing satiation faster and getting hungry later.

Swallowable Gastric Balloon

The swallowed gastric balloon Allurion Elipse Balloon is a new generation gastric balloon that has the same effectiveness as standard gastric balloons but is separated from standard balloons with ease of placement and other advantages. It does not require endoscopy; it is swallowed with a glass of water.
Obesity is a serious disease that needs to be treated.
Experienced Team
The end of your weight loss journey that you will embark on in harmony with an experienced team is success.
Appropriate Treatment
We choose the treatment that our patient can benefit the most with our patient and plan personalized treatment.
Continuous Tracking
One of the most important steps of obesity treatment is follow-up. We're with you at every stage of treatment.


General Surgery and Bariatric Surgery Specialist Surgeon Dr. Erkam TÜLÜBAŞ provides treatment in his clinic located in Fulya, Istanbul. Get to know our doctor who performs Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric By-Pass, Revision Surgery and Gastric Balloon Placement.

Who Lose Weight With Us

Gastric Balloon Reviews

  • The encouragement my doctor gave me at the beginning and then the constant presence of my dietitian made it very easy for me to lose weight. I would like to thank the Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon family.
  • The balloon gives you a new diet. Because you can't eat too much while the balloon is in your stomach, you get used to eating less in 4 months. And then of course, this habit continues...
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Patient Reviews
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