Intragastric Balloon FAQs

Gastric Balloon Questions and Answers

We are trying to provide you with very detailed information about the gastric balloon on our website. However, we have prepared this page for our patients who need short and clear information on a specific subject rather than detailed information. If you want to get detailed information, we recommend you to review all the titles about gastric balloon.

What is a gastric balloon?

Gastric balloon is one of the non-surgical weight loss methods. A balloon inflated with liquid or air is placed in the stomach and the balloon remains in your stomach during the treatment.

How does a gastric balloon work?

The gastric balloon takes up space in the stomach and providing a feeling of fullness, allowing you to eat less and get hungry late.
Depending on the type, the gastric balloon stays in the stomach for 4-6 or 12 months.

Who qualifies for gastric balloon?

Gastric balloon treatment is ideal for people with a body mass index of 27-40 and having difficulty in dieting.
Gastric balloon procedure can be applied to patients between the ages of 18-65.
An average of 15-20 KG can be lost with a gastric balloon. At the end of the treatment, patients can lose about 15-20% of their initial weight.
We do not recommend gastric balloon insertion, considering that the diet to be made after the gastric balloon during breastfeeding may affect the amount and quality of milk.
Before the gastric balloon placement, the inside of the stomach is examined by endoscopy and it is decided to insert a gastric balloon according to the level of the discomfort or postpone it until after treatment. After gastritis or reflux treatment, a gastric balloon is inserted.
No, gastric balloons cannot be inserted to people who have had gastric sleeve surgery.
Gastric balloon is not qualified to pregnant women, long-term cortisone users, those who are undergoing cancer treatment or those who have recently had cancer treatment.

How is Gastric Balloon Insertion Made?

It is a process that takes 15-20 minutes on average. Depending on the type of balloon, it is placed into the stomach and inflated with or without endoscopy (by swallowing with water).
Before the gastric balloon insertion, 12 hours of fasting is required, you should not even drink liquid in the last 6 hours. You should use the prescribed medications to avoid discomfort after the procedure. It is recommended to discontinue aspirin and similar blood thinners 1 week before the procedure.
Since the procedure is performed under anesthesia in endoscopic gastric balloons, we recommend staying in the hospital for 1 hour after the gastric balloon insertion. Those who have an elipse gastric balloon can be discharged immediately.
The time to return to daily life and work after gastric balloon is 1 to 3 days.
All professional and amateur athletes can continue to do sports after the gastric balloon. We do not only want a blunt blow to the abdomen, other than that, the gastric balloon does not prevent your exercises.

What are the complaints that may be experienced after gastric balloon?

The most common ailments are nausea and cramps. While these complaints are not seen at all in some patients, they may be more severe in others. The incidence of these complaints in the Elipse gastric balloon is extremely low compared to other balloons.
Complaints such as nausea, cramps, and spasms after the gastric balloon can last up to a week, but in the majority of patients, they pass within 1 to 3 days. If the complaints do not regress, the balloon may need to be removed.

Will I diet to lose weight?

Yes, gastric balloon is a treatment that makes it easier for you to diet and you lose weight under the control of a dietitian.
The things you eat and drink do not harm the balloon. Gastric balloons are strong enough to withstand stomach acid.
No, the gastric balloon will not burst, but it can be punctured. Although the gastric balloon is resistant to stomach acid, there is a small chance of rupture. In this case, the balloon is removed from your stomach.
Gastric balloon prices in Turkey range from $1,000 to $3,000 by 2021. Depending on the type and brand of the gastric balloon, you may encounter very different prices according to the center of the insertion and the processes included in the price. Just contact us to find out the gastric balloon prices of our clinic.
In your online pre-interview with our doctor, you will be informed about what to do before your appointment and the medications you should use. The necessary examinations are performed on the appointment day and the insertion is carried out on the same day. We recommend that you stay in Istanbul for 3 days so that we can intervene in a possible undesirable situation after the insertion.
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